
Posts Tagged ‘cats’

You are about to see something pretty frigin’ amazing. I mean, if I were to you show you videos of cats playing Schoenberg on the piano, that would be amazing right?

Well voila!

So there you have it, cats playing the second movement of Schoenberg’s Opus 11. Here’s the first and the third. Who ever said doggy’s weren’t tolerant?

Well yeah, you probably guessed it, a certain someone, who goes by the name of Cory Arcangel, mixed up videos of cats playing the piano and re-created one of contemporary music’s greatest masterpieces. Somehow this impresses me even more then Kutiman’s Thru You project. Truly mind-boggling work. On his website Cory gives full explanations on how he made the videos. Check it out here. And here’s his youtube channel.


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