
Posts Tagged ‘custom drums’


Just stumbled upon this one-piece self contained drum kit that goes by the name of GigPig. At first I wasn’t quite grasping the concept as it just seemed like a cardboard box with cymbals and toms sticking out of it, but once you see the flight case in which it can be contained you realize that it does beat having to drag around a whole drum set for gigging or jamming purposes.

Actually I wasn’t that far off with the cardboard as the GigPig is made out of a cajón (which is a percussion that you sit and hit on. The instrument was most likely developed in central Africa and  adapted by Peruvian slaves during the Spanish colonial times around the 18th century. It became an important part of the Cuban and Afro-Peruvian music in the 19th century. We here in Europe tend to think it comes from Spain where it is a very popular accompaniment to Flamenco. Well that’s a heap of bull. Paco De Lucia introduced it in 1970 after having met Peruvian composer and cajón master Caitro Soto during a visit in Peru).

Anyways, back to our GigPig. Here’s an audio extract of how it sounds:

And here’s a video for ya:

The GigPigs are made in Sweden and can be shipped to wherever. Go to www.gigpig.org and check out their pricing (too bad I discovered this after xmas).


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